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A great many papers have been written on MOOs, MUDs, virtual realities, and the like; Here we list only a few.
[DNi1] High-Latency, Low-Bandwidth Windowing in the Jupiter Collaboration System, David Nichols, Pavel Curtis, Michael Dixon, and John Lamping. Proceedings of UIST 1995.
[EOs1] MOO Client Request Protocol [1.0], Erik Ostrom, Dave Van Buren, Pavel Curtis, David Nichols, and Jay Carlson.
[DBu4] The SIM Collaborative Environment - A Generalizable Shared Workspace for Flight Projects, Dave Van Buren, Michael Brundage, Marie Levine-West. In preparation.
[MBr2] Supernova, a Multimedia Java Client for Network Places, Michael Brundage, Dave Van Buren. In preparation.
Bruckman, Amy, Programming for Fun: MUDs as a Context for Collaborative Learning.
Bruckman, Amy, et. al., Serious Uses of MUDs? DIAC 1994.
Curtis, Pavel, Mudding: Social Phenomena in Text-Based Virtual Realities.
Curtis, Pavel, and David Nichols, MUDs Grow Up: Social Virtual Reality in the Real World.
Deger, Renee, The next seat may be your own in cyberauditorium. PC Week, March 24, 1997.
Dieberger, Andreas, A study about navigation in a virtual environment. Navigation in Textual Virtual Environments using a City Metaphor, Ph.D. Thesis. Vienna University of Technology, 1994.
Hardy, Robinson, Doughty, Findsen, Towell, Towell, and Wilson, A new direction in conferencing: the First Electronic Glycoscience Conference. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 21, January, 1996. pp. 31-33.
Langham, Don, The Common Place MOO: Orality and Literacy in Virtual Reality. Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine, 1 (3), July, 1994, p. 7.
Meyer, Tom, David Blair, and Suzanne Hader, A MOO-Based Collaborative Hypermedia System for WWW.
Newsweek staff, Fifty for the Future. Newsweek, Feb 27, 1995, p. 43.
Rheingold, Howard, The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier. Addison-Wesley, 1993. pp 170-173.
Serpentelli, Jill, Conversational Structure and Personality Correlates of Electronic Communication.
Towell, John F., and Elizabeth R. Towell, Internet conferencing with networked virtual environments. Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy, 5 (3), 1995. pp. 15-22.
Towell, John F., and Elizabeth R. Towell, Presence in Text-Based Networked Virtual Environments or "MUDs". Presence, 1997.
Towell, Hansen, Mercer, Leach, Rubin, Prilusky, and Glusman, Networked virtual environments and electronic conferencing. In S.M. Bachrach, D.B. Boyd, S.K. Gray, W. Hase, and H. Rzepa (Ed.), Proceedings of the First Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference [CD-ROM]. ARInternet: Landower, MD. November, 1995.
Trager, Louis. Falling Into Place: A behind-the-scenes look at a Silicon Valley start-up. San Francisco Examiner, Sunday, March 23, 1997. p. B1.
Unsworth, John, Constructing the Virtual Campus. 1994 Modern Language Association meeting, Toronto.